Chipped Tooth: Repair, Cost And Treatment


A chipped tooth can be a frustrating and painful experience. Whether it’s due to an accident, biting into something hard, or even just a minor fall, a chipped tooth requires immediate attention and care. This article will explore the various aspects of chipped tooth repair, associated costs, and the available treatment options to help you understand what steps to take if you find yourself with a chipped tooth.

Understanding Chipped Teeth

What is a Chipped Tooth?

A chipped tooth occurs when a part of the tooth breaks off, leaving a visible and often sensitive area exposed. This damage can range from a minor cosmetic issue to a more severe structural problem that requires urgent attention.

Common Causes of Chipped Teeth

Chipped teeth can happen for several reasons, including:

  1. Accidents or falls
  2. Biting hard objects or foods
  3. Teeth grinding (bruxism)
  4. Weakened tooth structure due to decay

Assessing the Damage

Types of Chipped Teeth

There are different types of chipped teeth, and each may require specific treatment approaches:

1. Craze Lines

These are small cracks on the outer layer of the tooth enamel that are generally harmless and don’t require treatment.

2. Fractured Cusp

When a piece of the tooth’s chewing surface breaks off, it can cause minor discomfort and may need a dental filling or crown.

3. Cracked Tooth

A cracked tooth extends from the chewing surface towards the tooth’s root. This requires prompt dental attention to prevent further damage.

4. Split Tooth

A severe form of a cracked tooth, where the tooth splits into two distinct segments. Saving the tooth may be difficult, and extraction may be necessary.

5. Vertical Root Fracture

These cracks occur below the gum line and can be quite painful. In most cases, extraction is the only viable option.

Seeking Professional Help

When to Visit the Dentist

If you have a chipped tooth, it’s crucial to visit a dentist as soon as possible. Early intervention can prevent the problem from worsening and save your tooth. Delaying treatment may result in more extensive procedures and higher costs.

The Dental Examination

During your dental visit, the dentist will perform a thorough examination to assess the severity of the chip and identify any underlying issues. X-rays may be taken to determine the extent of damage to the tooth’s root and surrounding structures.

Repairing a Chipped Tooth

Dental Bonding

For minor chips, dental bonding is a common and cost-effective treatment. The dentist will apply a tooth-colored resin to the damaged area, shaping and polishing it to match the surrounding teeth.

Dental Crown

When a significant portion of the tooth is chipped or damaged, a dental crown may be the best option. A crown is a custom-made cap that covers the entire tooth, restoring its appearance and function.


Veneers are thin shells made of porcelain or composite resin that are bonded to the front surface of the tooth. They are an excellent choice for repairing chipped teeth with cosmetic concerns.

Chipped Tooth Treatment Costs

The cost of treating a chipped tooth can vary depending on the severity of the damage and the chosen treatment method. Dental bonding is generally the most affordable option, while crowns and veneers may be more expensive due to the custom fabrication involved.

Preventing Chipped Teeth

Tips for Avoiding Chipped Teeth

  1. Avoid chewing on hard objects, such as ice or pens.
  2. Wear a mouthguard during sports or activities with a risk of falls or impacts.
  3. Address teeth grinding (bruxism) with a nightguard.


Dealing with a chipped tooth can be concerning, but with timely and appropriate treatment, most chipped teeth can be effectively repaired. Remember to seek professional dental care promptly and follow preventive measures to reduce the risk of chipping your teeth.


  1. Can a chipped tooth heal on its own? In most cases, a chipped tooth cannot heal on its own and requires dental treatment to prevent further damage.
  2. Is dental bonding a permanent solution for chipped teeth? Dental bonding is a durable solution, but it may need touch-ups or replacement over time.
  3. Does dental insurance cover chipped tooth repair? Dental insurance typically covers a portion of the cost for chipped tooth repair, but the coverage may vary.
  4. Can a chipped tooth cause sensitivity? Yes, a chipped tooth can cause sensitivity, especially if the inner layers of the tooth are exposed.
  5. Can I still eat normally with a chipped tooth? Depending on the severity of the chip, you may need to avoid certain foods until the tooth is repaired.


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